Our speakers

Harshjit Sethi, MD, Peak XV

HC Vinayaka, VP - Technical, EHS & Sustainability, ITC Hotels

An Engineer with over 36 years of experience in the Hospitality Industry, specializing in Sustainability & ESG, Climate change, Decarbonization, Net Zero carbon, Water & Waste, Technical Services, Innovation, Product development, Environment, Health & Safety (EHS).

Currently he is heading the Technical, EHS, and Sustainability initiatives at ITC’s Hotel business. – ITC Hotels

Under his active participation & efforts, team ITC Hotels has pioneered many path-breaking initiatives and achieved world-class high-performance results in Luxury, Resource consumption (Renewable energy, Water, Energy, and Waste Management), and Customer service, Safety, Sustainability & Innovation.

He has been recognized with many awards and accolades in the area of Technical, Innovations, New Technology, EHS & Sustainability.

Vinayaka has been credited with embedding the Hotel Division’s Credo “Responsible Luxury” in almost all ITC Hotels.

He took on the challenge of retrofitting all Luxury Hotels to LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design) Platinum standards, making ITC Hotels the world’s largest chain of hotels with the maximum number of LEED Platinum Certified Properties.

Under his drive & efforts, paving the way for Global Hospitality Industry, in one of its kind remarkable feats, today the World’s first 12 Hotels with “LEED Zero Carbon” and World’s First 05 Hotel with LEED Zero Water certification are from ITC Hotels

Through all these efforts, ITC Hotels has already surpassed the sectoral carbon emission target of 2030 set by the UN Climate change committee as per COP 21- Paris Agreement from last four years

This feat resulted in ITC Hotels being recognized as the “Greenest Luxury Hotel Chain in the world”, a unique achievement in the global hospitality industry

Hema Ravichandar, Strategic HR Advisor,

Hemanth Satyanarayana, Founder & CEO, Imaginate

Hetal Dalal, President and Chief Operating Officer, Institutional Investor Advisory Services (IiAS)

Hetal Gandhi, Director-Research, CRISIL

Hetal Gandhi is the lead researcher for the past 15+ years at CRISIL. She has handled the infra portfolio and now focuses on energy transition, climate change and ESG.

Sustainable investments are set to account for a large share in infrastructure investments in India and working at CRISIL for 15 years, has provided Hetal a unique opportunity to lead areas in this domain. Energy transition covering renewables, agriculture and decarbonising transportation has provided her a unique opportunity to have a bird's eye view of sustainable and green investments in India. As India progresses to meet the PARIS targets 2030 the role of investments in renewable energy, decarbonising transport with a focus on electric vehicles and promoting unique interventions in agriculture will be crucial. Hetal is managing a team of over 20 analysts to track developments across infra and consumption space to know India's role in this journey.

Hisham Mundol, Chief Advisor, Environmental Defense Fund India

As Environmental Defense Fund's Chief Advisor in India, Hisham is responsible for the organization's strategy in the region which centers on playing a catalytic role in support of an Indian pathway to shared, sustainable prosperity. Hisham is a well-respected figure in the business world and has over 25 years of experience working in various industries including consumer goods, manufacturing, media and technology.

Hitendra Dave, CEO, HSBC India

Hitendra Dave has been the Chief Executive Officer for HSBC India, effective from June 2021.  

Prior to taking on this role, Hitendra Dave (known widely by his last name, Dave) was the Head of Global Banking & Markets where his span of responsibilities included Corporate Banking, Financial Institutions, Debt and Equity, Capital Markets, Global Markets and the custody business.  

Amongst the more visible figures in India’s banking industry, Dave is a senior banker and highly respected for his understanding and views on macro economy, corporate developments and financial markets. A member of various advisory committees including RBI’s and SEBI’s consultative Committees, Dave is a well recognized figure amongst India Inc. and policy makers.  

Dave joined HSBC India in 2001 and since, has held several senior positions across roles including being Head of Global Markets and later as the Head of Global Banking and Markets for HSBC in India.  

He has more than 30 years of work experience in the Indian Financial Markets.  

Dave is a post graduate in Business Administration and holds a degree in Economics from Delhi University.

Hitendra Dave, Chief Executive Officer, HSBC India

IAS Vivek Kumar Dewangan, Chairman and Managing Director, REC Limited & IAS